Yanina Viland wears the Ukrainian coat of arms, a symbol encrypted with the word ВОЛЯ, which means both "will power" and "freedom".
"I believe we will get through this. I hope Ukraine can show the whole world how to stand up to the tyrants, stand up to misinformation, stand up to the bullies who think because they are 10 times bigger in size than you, that you will submit. I want to thank everyone who's paying attention." -
For this mailer, I'm going to spotlight Ukrainian stories, resilience, and strength. Some of these artists are just sharing their personal struggle, while others are also raising money, which I'll link to, as well. If you have the resources, please contribute. Our Ukrainian family needs all of us right now.
Above: Portrait and work by @scadytattoo - based in Spain
@scadytattoo is a powerhouse, driving a van all around the E.U. to pick up medical supplies to transport to the Ukraine/Poland border.
Last week, I'm grateful to say our little circle here in Berlin put together €2000+ worth of gear (boxes of sterile bandages, tourniquets, slings, splints...) that Scady picked up directly from my house. She was on the road back to Poland just minutes later. We're so grateful for her service.
Portrait and backpiece by - based in USA
"My whole family is in Ukraine," shares. "Last week, I could never imagine that I would see my parents and 86 year old grandmother spending their nights and days in moldy, freezing, Soviet Era bomb shelters. My beautiful sister and her 10 year old kid are going to have to flee across the border as refugees.
"I want to address everyone who helped, supported, sent money, bought prints. Your help means everything to me. With my print fundraiser, I was able to get over $9000 USD so far, that I've already donated to four humanitarian organizations. And I donated $5000 USD to our incredible [Ukrainian] army."
Portrait and works by @dusty_past - based in Poland
@dusty_past is raising money for . He also offers prints or custom designs in exchange for donations. DM him on Instagram for more details.
Portrait and work by @yaninaviland - based in Portugal
"2300€ from your donation have been sent to “Angels of Mercy ” - «Янголи Миросердя» - «Anjos de Misericórdia» here in Portugal," shares @yaninaviland, who is fundraising directly through PayPal. "It will be used to buy protection gear for volunteers, who go to join the military. 200€ have been sent to a family in need in Kirovograd. 150€ hostel and food for two Pakistani students from Kyiv, here in Lisbon (forwarded to me by @julimrosa). 200€ goes to the border with @scadytattoo and what she's organizing there (meds, animal food, etc.) 200€ I’m forwarding to soldiers inside, personal contact of my client, for gas and petroleum.
"For ANY donations, small or big, I’ll send you personally a piece of art when things will calm down at least a bit (probably print or something), signed to each person. I created special email address - for your addresses for future art delivery. - my PayPal, I’ll transfer further. I love you guys and appreciate your trust. "
Portrait and work by @vlada.2wnt2
@vlada.2wnt2 is on the road now, after fleeing Kyiv. "When the war is over, life in Ukraine will have to be restored. I want to continue to pay taxes and salaries to my employees! I can work for my future, the team @22kyiv and Ukraine. So, I decided to go to work and help financially." If you are in the EU and want to get a tattoo from her (or host her as a guest artist) please DM her directly on Instagram.
Portrait and work by - based in Bali
"New times, same tools as 8 years ago, when me and my family experienced war started by Russia in my home city Donetsk," Rit Kit shares. "That experience was very traumatic, it takes time to be at least partly healed. I wish it to no one. My heart is bleeding to see how the whole Ukraine is fighting and suffering because of a new act of Putin’s cruelness. My mom, friends, their families are still in Kyiv and my heart is breaking apart through all the news and attacks. We need to stop this political crime and most of all - crime against all the humanity. Please: protest, post, use your voice and skills."
Portrait and work by @timur_lysenko
"Zhutomyr City, Ukraine: I've been there 4 days ago. Now it's in ruins," @timur_lysenko shared over the weekend. "Russian bombs killed kids and civilians. People from all the world, please help us to stop that bloodthirsty Putin!" holds up an abstract art piece bearing the Ukrainian flag colors.
"I love Ukraine even more now," shares. "It’s priceless how people from all over the world support us. Strength is in Ukrainians, strength is in truth. Slava Ukraine!"
Please contribute to Ukraine aid in whichever way feels best to you. Some additional organizations that Ukrainian artists sent my way:
If you're in the EU, it's likely there are Refugee Welcome Centers in major cities near you. Local aid can be offered in cash and donated goods. Be sure to contact them first to see what is needed.
This is an unpaid labor of love, as it's always been. I welcome your feedback, corrections and contributions.
With love,
All image copyrights are retained by the artists. All text copyrights reserved by Tattrx LLC.