"I love, I hate, I suffer." by @mrprestontattoo - Manchester, UK
Fauvism, as a painting movement, was a sort of prequel to modern expressionist styles that emerged in early 20th century France. It was rough, emotional, vibrant, and unbound by conventional techniques. The brushwork was textured, paint density inconsistent, and the forms were wholly unrealistic.
"Fauve" translates to "wild beast" in French, and it wasn't a self-proclaimed title, but rather a pejorative label applied by art critics of the time. (Just another reminder to question the origins of labels, especially the ones given to minority voices or subjugated classes, as these terms are often chosen by the people in power.) The name stuck, and was either reclaimed with pride, or redefined by the expressionists who branched out thereafter.
To me, the term Fauvism carries this history with it. It is a rebellious movement, an emotional and misunderstood aesthetic. And, it may very well be a catalyst to a wide range of new art styles.
Today, Fauvist rebellion is having a renaissance, this time in tattooing. So, what does that mean?
Figure by guest contributor @adriadeyza
While tattooers are rarely as colorful as original Fauvist painters like Matisse or Derain, expressionist linework is one of the common threads connecting them.
In tattooing, this can mean varied line widths, inconsistent ink density, atypical needle groupings used as liners, or just meandering lines that are anything but straight.
Traditionalists may call this work "crude" (at best). Many assume the artist just lacks technical ability, which often isn't the case. In reality, there is a foundational disinterest in realism or perfection here. The goal instead is to exaggerate the presence of the tattooer's hand, and convey a raw emotional state.
"De monstre en couleur" by @garagarou_tattoo - Paris
These types of designs are "unfortunately still frowned upon by older tattooers," explains Adriá Deyza, who curates the IG page @newfauves. "This is one of the main reasons why I purposely post pieces that are executed flawlessly right next to pieces that, to me, would be considered a disaster by any technique-oriented tattooer. I want to share both approaches to achieve fluid lines and raw textures.
"On one hand, there are tattooers who express themselves during the drawing process, and use their technical skills to translate that drawing into a tattoo that looks like a painting. But there are also artists who let themselves go during the tattooing process, allowing little accidents to happen, and seeing how these make the lines evolve during healing.
"And, of course, there are those who don’t even try. They simply don’t have enough technique, and sometimes their lines have a beautiful aura of imperfection that simply makes the drawing more interesting.
"This idea that a piece done by an apprentice in Kiev can be exactly as relevant for the future of tattooing as a piece done in the best contemporary studio in London is perhaps what helps to create such a strong sense of community and camaraderie amongst the artists featured in the collection."
Virgin mother expressionist collage by @jackrtownsend - LA
Custom figure by @notfromthisbox - Lisbon
Another hallmark of this community is their intentional distortion of form. Subjects are stretched and coiled and bent and twisted. Any emotion the subject feels is dramatically evoked with their exaggerated, unnatural shape.
"This wave of expressionism has found its audience especially amongst a new generation of tattooers and collectors," Deyza continues. "[They] are leading a departure from technical virtuousness in tattooing and embracing the imperfection."
Demon backpiece by @alicio.d.alfonsina - Mexico City
Rooster by @christof_ferson - Glasgow, UK
Fauvist and Expressionist paintings often result from the artist gesturing wildly, quickly, even erratically. Many Neo Fauvist tattoos have a similar mood about them.
Now, whether the lines are literally applied at a rapid pace, or just designed to look like they were, is sometimes hard to tell.
I'll never forget circa 2015 when Xoïl, one of the first tattooers to bring complex graphic design to the trade, started his "15 minute" series. These would be wild forms he challenged himself to tattoo in just 15 minutes. They were raw, distorted, and totally unlike the rest of his portfolio. Fans, myself included, wondered what he was up to. It's my opinion today that he helped plant the seeds of this movement, right then and there.
Portrait by @_el_churros - Geneva
"Stockings" by @xoil_tatouage_ - Thonon-les-Bains, France
Backpiece in progress by @servadio_ - London
"With a big portion of the tattoo industry focused on any technology that makes it faster, easier and cheaper to achieve a perfect result in every tattoo," Deyza shares, "it’s more important than ever to balance the scales. We must challenge the idea that tattoos should be flawless, embracing instead the imperfect nature of anything created by humans.
"I'm so excited to continue pushing expressionist tattooing as a household name, both inside and outside the world of tattooing."
"Bathers" limited print by @servadio_ -
That's a wrap!
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This is an unpaid labor of love, as it's always been. I welcome your feedback, corrections and contributions.
With love,
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